Value of education sample essay

In the recent past, college education became a controversial issue, given the different opinions that parents, teachers and students had in higher education. Scientists were also engaged in a changing look at higher education, and through studies they wrote so much about changing views on higher education. While parents and students come to see higher education as a means to get jobs, others see it as a place for inactive intellectual expression and growth, which should be given more attention to make full use of his condition as a means of getting a job.

In the article, “What is College?” The New York Times, Gary Grumet, argues that colleges are far more than those who are looking for work. According to him, the goal for the college is “to feed the world intellectual culture: this is the world of ideas about what we can scientifically know, a humanistic or express-artistic” (cutting). This idea is shared by Rosenbaum, Stefan and Rosenbaum, who say that colleges have far more proposals than bachelor’s around (Roenbaum et al, 3).

In addition, three points indicate that there is a lot of disinformation in both colleges for the purposes and outcomes of the college. According to them, they report the exaggerated demands for the future of successful graduates and the consideration of BA plans by both parents and students, not knowing about opportunities and satisfied alternatives (Rosenbaum et al. 3). This idea is also being shared with other alternatives, other than undergraduate programmes, which have the best results, as opposed to university programmes. The key argument is that “ we could provide training and basic social and moral information for young people who would be cheaper and more effective. This is possible through a combination of professional and commercial schools, as well as public service programs (Cutting). If the purpose of the college is only to prepare students for work, the other options remain open to them rather than in the intellectual environment offered by the colleges.

The number of students enrolled in the college has increased over the years. To a large extent, this is due to the promotion of open-access policies that protect low-lying students from the fact that advisors cannot scare him (Rosenbaum et al. 5). This leads to the fact that college graduates are unable to obtain higher education. In addition, this experience becomes completely untenable for these students who were ultimately excluded from participation.

The main difference between RRosenbaum, Stefan and Rosenbaum and the opinion of higher education is the view of students about higher education. According to the survey, the poll shows that 74% consider college to be useful for their intellectual growth, 69% consider it important for their growth and maturity as people, and 55% believe that college is important for preparing them for their career and work (Granny). In contrast, Rosenbaum, Stefan and Stefan, note that most of the students, as part of the open access program, are fully prepared for higher education. This lack of preparedness is the result of the fact that “high school students rarely receive adequate information about the extent to which the college is required, how prepared and how they will be trained” (Rosenbaum et al. 7).

However, differences in their views do not take into account the definition of college education. On the other hand, Cutting does not define university education as BA or AA. However, the definition of college, however, is still linked to BA programmes. According to Rosenbaum, Stefan and Rosenbaum, “in everyday language and informal discussions, the word” college “is used as a synonym for” bachelor’s degree “ (Rosenbaum et al. 3).

By defining a college, which is only an institution that provides BA programmes, many parents are still waiting for their children to receive their diplomas. Even with the increased cost of educating children in college, parents are constantly doing most of their college education efforts. The expectations of these parents are that, after graduation, their descendants will be protected in the future, as the Holosta in degrees of time of life (Rosenbaum and Rosenbaum and Rosenbaum et al. 3) This is the expected surface, when the truth is that people who have kept the work requiring AA get much more than the ones with Basom. This delusion (BA is more advantageous to the AA) has distributed publicity materials on educational reform, as well as recommendations and recommendations.

Surveys associated with the higher BA than AA were affected by the counselling and counselling programme. Although the programme was aimed at sending students to programmes that were eventually within their capabilities, this changes over time, especially with the introduction of open access programmes. The programme of consultations and consultations was largely fulfilled by the college supervisors, while students with low success earned the right to enter college (Rosenbaum and others). Most of the councillors have since opposed their placement as supervisors. This affects the growth in the number of college students, some of whom are ultimately unable to graduate from college (cutting).

However, the change in the opinion of the consultants is a deep-rooted problem in institutions of higher learning. A good number of high schools require consultants because many of them do not have such schools. Rosenbaum and others argue that data for 2001 show that the ratio between the number of counsellors and students is between 1 and 284. The situation is worse in some other schools where more than 700 students have to be treated by one consultant. This enormous workload does not help students to make more effective decisions about whether to continue their studies in college on the basis of their intellectual ability.

The growing number of students joining the college is a good measure of achievement. However, the requirements for BA programmes, even for students who are unable to achieve such high academic qualifications, have not done more to help students choose career development. The failure of the training programmes is a worrying problem, and the problem should be corrected immediately to keep the college program and help the students choose the best career options.